Capture the Moment Media

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5 way to repurpose your video content

Creating content can be a lot of work, but it doesn’t have to be if you have a strategic approach.

Of course, the goal is for your content to be seen by as many people as possible.  

The truth is you spend far too much time creating content to share it just one time.

Here are 5 ways you can repurpose your existing video content



Take a screenshot of the best visuals in the video. This will allow you to create quite a bit of content that you can use overtime. Below is an example of some of the stills we were able to use from the video content we created for CHIWIS.


Format for various platforms

Use different aspect ratios to post on various platforms. For example, turning the video into a Instagram story and utilizing the full space to really highlight the video.

We recommend using Canva to make this easy and get the proper dimensions for whatever social media platform you are planning to post on.


Take snippets

Perhaps an obvious option, but taking snippets of the video to highlight a certain product, service or person on your team. Here is a great example of how we were able to repurpose video content we had on file to create this 30 second video for Harbour Air.


Create a compilation

Use parts of the video in combination with other assets such as photos or other video content you have for your brand. This can be a great way to showcase monthly, quarterly or year end achievements in your biz. Here is an example of how we show our followers what we have been up to.


Use as video banners on your website

Use parts of the video for banners on your website or as a visual behind a customer quote. This can be a great way to make parts of your brand visually engaging. You will see examples of this all over our site!

Bonus tip

Create GIFs from your videos

GIFS are such a great way to have movement in your images and share in your emails or on social media platforms. Below is an example of some GIFS we made using the CHIWIS video content we created.

So there ya have it!

Five simple ways you can repurpose video content for your brand and make the most of it.

Feeling up for making some video content for your brand?